do 28 maart
tickets Zaal open 19:00 Aanvang 20:00

SBP4 is coming back to Amsterdam to perform some new songs live for the first time. And also rare, unexpected, and their most famous ones — from “U Nas Est Vso“ [EN We Have Everything] to “Nichego Bolshe Net” [EN There is nothing more]. And of course, “Zloy” [EN Angry], “Komnata” [EN Room], “Vechny Vzryv” [EN Eternal Explosion] and whatever else comes to their minds.

They might even perform a few numbers from the theatre play “Poteryannoe Zerkaltce” [EN The Lost Mirror] which recently had its premiere. Groove, bass, laughter, tears — everything to feel alive. It's more than just a concert, it's an opportunity to find yourself home for couple of hours.