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Kiosk is een Perzische (Iraanse) blues /rock /jazz band die in Teheran werd opgericht in 2004. Bekend als "de pioniers van de Iraanse rock" wordt Kiosk geprezen om hun scherpe en satirische teksten, en hun unieke mix van muzikale stijlen, van rock tot gipsy jazz tot Iraanse folk.
A bold and brilliant new rock opera, SWEET DESTINY, tackles the harsh reality of Iran's death penalty. FIRST OF ITS KIND: The rock musical is the first Farsi language album or musical to address the death penalty. SWEET DESTINY, a new musical film and album from pioneering Iranian band Kiosk, is fighting for the abolishment of death penalty in Iran, this inhuman punishment. Formed in Tehran in 2004, Kiosk is the most popular and influential band in the Iranian diasporas, having left Iran over censorship. "Songs that speak to a generation," says BBC World. "Kiosk's stinging political satire is hidden within its blues and folksy sound... Their lyrics are a social commentary on the issues that affect the daily lives of Iranians all over the world." Time magazine noted the band's popularity and power, writing, "A band that can criticize the Iranian government without retribution."